Booking currency exchange online with Forexchange is easy and convenient. Book online among 60 global currencies. Choose currency and amount, get the best rate available, and avoid hidden fees.
Select the Forexchange Agency nearest to you and schedule your pickup appointment, based on your schedule and travel plans.
Do you have foreign currency and wish to receive euros? Make your online reservation now and receive euros in exchange for foreign currency.
Choose the foreign currency you wish to purchase, enter the required amount, and see immediately the exchange rate, always updated in real time. This way you can know the exchange rates with full transparency, avoiding hidden fees. Secure the best foreign exchange terms in just a few clicks with Forexchange.
Enter the Italian city where you wish to pick up your foreign currency exchange: we are present with more than 70 branches throughout Italy. You will be able to change the withdrawal location up to 48 hours before the withdrawal date. Just log in to your personal area and change the foreign currency reservation you have made.
Select on the calendar the date and time you wish to go to the agency to collect the foreign currency you booked online. You will pay directly at the agency, based on the exchange rate set at the time of booking. To withdraw the currency, simply bring a valid ID and your social security number with you.
Forexchange is Italy’s major currency exchange agency. In business since 1990, we rely on a network of more than 70 currency exchange desks across the country – with more than 3 million clients each year – complemented by our agencies in the Czech Republic.
In Italy you can find us in 21 historical centers, 28 airports, 22 railway stations and 3 McArthurGlen Outlets. These numbers testify to the experience we have gained in the industry and the trust placed in us by our customers every day. Find your nearest Forexchange agency now.
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via Fatebenefratelli, 5
20121 Milano
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