A checklist for travelling alone: what to take with you on your trip

A checklist for travelling alone: what to take with you on your trip

What to take with you if you are travelling alone? The list of items to take with you on holiday becomes much shorter when travelling alone. For obvious reasons, you have to make a virtue of necessity and eliminate everything that is not strictly necessary for travelling light. Practicality and comfort must be prioritised. Making a careful selection of the most important items when packing your luggage is essential so as not to forget anything and to eliminate what is not really necessary. Here, then, is a list of things to bring when travelling alone:

  • Hard trolley bag – Compared to soft luggage, the hard trolley bag offers a decisive advantage: in the event of rain, you do not have to worry about covering it and your items will always stay dry.
  • Double-shoulder backpack – Among the things to bring when travelling alone, you definitely prioritise a double-shoulder backpack over a normal bag. Travelling alone, anything that can leave your hands free is a blessing. In addition, backpacks are normally allowed on board planes.
  • Plastic bags – Dividing your luggage into compartments using transparent plastic bags will allow you to keep it more organised and make it easier to retrieve the items you are looking for.
  • Bumbag – One of the indispensable items on the list of things to bring when travelling alone: all the convenience of having the most important items – such as documents or money – always at hand.
  • Scarf – Another must-have item in your luggage, which can really serve many purposes, such as protecting you from the cold, the sun or as a blanket.
  • Emergency information – It can always happen that you cannot use your phone to access essential information. To always be able to contact someone in an emergency, simply create an address book of the most important contacts and addresses.
  • eSim – Always stay connected to the Internet. Purchase atravel eSim and surf freely, at an affordable price. This way you can always stay in touch with your loved ones and communicate easily in any eventuality.
  • Passport photo – One of the most important things to bring if you are travelling alone: always keep a copy of your documents on your mobile phone and in your wallet.
  • Travel guides – equip yourself with a guidebook to move around safely in new places. Choose an audio guide (https://www.forexchange.com/audio-guides) to discover the cities you visit by downloading the file directly onto your smartphone. Listen to the information while wearing headphones as you walk around the city.
  • Cash – Before you leave for your trip alone, don’t forget to exchange your currency, taking the cash you need for your expenses with you. To do this conveniently, you can book it online at Forexchange, saving on exchange fees and collecting the currency directly at the airport or at the train station before you leave.

If you are travelling alone, never give up on safety. Before you leave, take out an Imaway travel insurance and receive 24/7 assistance. A team of multilingual experts will assist you in case of an emergency. Get coverage for all unexpected medical expenses. Travel safe with Forexchange!

Photo Credits:
josealbafotos, Pixabay