
Currency exchange in Naples: the complete guide

If you are about to leave for travel, and you are thinking about entering or leaving the Eurozone, it will be very useful to change your money before you leave. This choice will save you time and money and avoid different inconveniences. In all Italian cities there are different solutions for currency exchange, this is a complete guide to currency exchange in Naples.

Step #1: Book currency online

Among the different solutions for currency exchange, that of online booking is very advantageous. With the services offered by Forexchange the procedure is very simple, all you need to do is:

  • Check in the currency list that there is the one you need;
  • If time allows, monitor exchange rate fluctuations so you can choose the most appropriate time to make the exchange;
  • Reserve the needed foreign currency online at least 48 hours in advance of the withdrawal. You will only need to provide your first name, last name, and an e-mail address for booking confirmation and eventual notifications.
  • If you do not want to take the risk of returning home with residual foreign currency, you can activate the Fx BuyBack option at a one-time cost of €5. This option guarantees you will buy back the surplus foreign currency at the same exchange rate as when you left.

The advantages of booking online through Forexchange are many:

  • The exchange rate remains frozen at the time of booking;
  • Currency is purchased only at the time of withdrawal;
  • Currency exchange is without commission and agency fees.


Step #2: Withdraw foreign currency

Once you make your reservation online, or by calling toll-free <a href=”tel:+39800305357″>800 305 357</a>, you will pay for the foreign currency booked only on the day of withdrawal. Depending on your needs, pickup can be done days before departure, at one of the agencies, or directly at the airport (or station) before boarding. If you are in Naples, this is the complete list of counters and agencies for exchanging currency or withdrawing booked currency.

Center of Naples

  • Piazza del Gesù Nuovo, 35


Naples Central Station (Ferro floor)

  • At Frecciaviaggi agency “Agenzie365


Naples Capodichino Airport

  • Naples APT Departures Airside
  • Naples APT Landside Arrivals


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